Monday, January 13, 2014

My Family's Hips

My fathers hips are a little more than masculine. They are of the largeness that I associate with Dads. Dads are big in a way that other men and women are not. His stomach is not flat but doesn't sag or wobble likewise his hips are not the trim of youth but don't look like excess. My mother is a tiny women. I towered over her sooner then I would have chosen. She is delicate-- slender legs, dainty arms, small belly. Her hips are likewise small but for her body wide, baby hips. Jeans slide on my brother's narrow boy hips. Society has created in him a workout, body building, call of the wild so his tapered hips are not skinny but thick in a muscular lithe way.

My own hips were soft in middle school. They began widening in 9th grade, the flesh dispersing comfortably then straining.My hip bones press gently out the skin thin.  They poke noticeably through papery shirts. They sit below my waist above my thighs.

1 comment:

  1. Creative and provocative all at once. The finely observed details really make this piece.
